Box Office Opening Hours

The Box Office is open between 10.00am and 3.00pm Monday to Friday (lunch 12.15-12.45pm). In addition, the Box Office opens one hour before concerts and events in The Menuhin Hall.

Ways to Book


To book your tickets online, please visit the 'What's On' page on this website.

See below for advice regarding Credit Card security.

By Phone

Call 01932 559400 to book by phone during the Box Office opening times as detailed above.

Payment Methods

Please note, payment must be made by card. We only accept Mastercard and Visa credit/debit cards. We are unable to accept American Express.

Exchanges and Refunds

The Box Office is unable to give refunds on tickets once purchased.

Tickets will only be exchanged for tickets of the same value and only if available.

Exchanges cannot be made for concerts that are promoted by organisations other than The Yehudi Menuhin School.

Terms & Conditions of Booking

Completion of the booking process, including the provision of credit or debit card details, constitutes the intention by the customer to purchase tickets from The Menuhin Hall subject to the terms and conditions of The Menuhin Hall.

For online bookings, please note that The Menuhin Hall cannot be held responsible for information entered incorrectly by our Patrons during the booking process. By booking online the Patron confirms that all details given are true and accurate.

Patrons of The Menuhin Hall are responsible for informing the Box Office of any change of details after a booking has been made that may affect the booking.

The Menuhin Hall reserves the right to place restrictions on the number of tickets purchased for any single or multiple concerts.

All tickets must be paid for in full at the time of booking.

Concessions cannot be applied retrospectively.

Credit Card Security

The Menuhin Hall advises its Patrons that payment by credit card is a secure way to pay for tickets. Booking online is increasingly a preferred choice of ticket purchase by concert goers and use of your credit or debit card is protected by the number of security measures that are in place.

The transmission of sensitive data from The Menuhin Hall site is protected by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), a proven coding system that allows your browser to automatically encrypt or scramble data before you send it. All your personal information resides on our secure servers.

All sensitive information about our Patrons is kept confidential through encryption, which means that information can only be passed between you and The Menuhin Hall and no third party.

You will notice a padlock symbol (usually displayed in the bottom right corner of your browser). This verifies that the site is operating under a secure connection and our security systems are in place for your protection.